FPV Drones
August 5, 2024

Steps Towards Victory.

Posted on August 5, 2024  •  2 minutes  • 236 words  • Other languages:  Українська

Steps Towards Victory: The New Fundraising is Bearing Fruit!

Steps Towards Victory: The New Fundraiser is Bearing Fruit! We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone for your support! We have launched a new fundraiser for a drone for our military, and thanks to your contributions, we already have the first donations that are bringing us closer to our goal. Although this is just a small part of the total amount needed, we have already started ordering the first components. Some of them have already arrived, which is truly encouraging. Of course, there is still much work ahead, but this crucial step shows that we are moving in the right direction.

This time, we plan to raise funds for four drones. The previous two fundraisers were successful thanks to you, and we are confident that we can reach our goal again this time. We are already seeing the first results of our collective efforts, and this gives us even more motivation to continue.

We know that the process is not easy, and there are still many challenges ahead, but together we can overcome any obstacles. So, keep supporting us, spread the word, join the fundraiser, because every contribution matters. Together, we support our soldiers, our country, and we are taking steps towards victory.

Each of us is making a contribution to victory, and together we will achieve great things. Join us, together we are stronger!

Link to the bank
Mono Bank

    A small contribution can become part of a great cause on the path to victory and safety of our country! Thank you for your support!